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For a first-timer, buying an e-cigarette can be intimidating. There are so many types and styles to choose from. Things get even more confusing when it’s time to replace the parts that make vaping so much fun. As an e-cigarette user, you can choose between cartomizers, clearomizers and atomizers. Several types of atomizers exist in the marketplace. The most popular form is the cartomizer, which is a cartridge with a built-in atomizer. Atomizers use a heating element, typically a very small gauge wire, to vaporize e-liquid. It’s what creates those puffy vape clouds you love so much. You will find atomizers in both two and three-piece electronic cigarettes. With a two-piece e-cigarette, you’ll never have to worry about the atomizer, but three-piece e-cigarettes use an atomizer as a stand-alone piece. Dripping is a form of vaping that is increasing in popularity. Dripping requires dripping e-liquid directly into the atomizer. This bypasses the need for a cartridge or tank. Vaping in this way does have drawbacks. Dripping can be inconvenient, because you can’t simply pull out an e-cig from your pocket and begin vaping. Instead, you’ll need time to set things up. Dripping can also be very messy. It can be easy to spill and waste some of that delicious juice. Dripping also requires gloves, because nicotine can soak through your skin. You can purchase atomizers and coils online through When shopping for coils, consider the Aspire Nautilus 1.80HM. When you need to replace the coils in your Atlantis style tank, you can find them on our site for just $3.50. We also carry the SMOK TFB-I Baby Beast atomizer and SMOK V12 Prince coil. If you have to choose between atomizers, cartomizers or clearomizers – atomizers are recommended since cartomizers can be much harder to find these days. Atomizers are common among advanced users. There’s a bit more tinkering and maintenance involved, which is fine if you’re a dedicated vaper, but challenging if you’re a beginner. Find the best atomizers, coils and more at
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